COVID19 Response
Wave after wave ...
India has battled Covid19 since the first days of the pandemic and ANEW has effectively responded to each Covid19 emergency at the community and individual level. During the earliest weeks of the pandemic when men and women working in urban areas lost their jobs and housing, we provided food and emergency transportation so they could return to their home villages. When the first lockdowns kept students out of school we provided smartphones that allowed youth in a Hyderabad-area orphanage to continue their educations online. Younger orphanage children in the area needed extra assistance for food and clothing. ANEW guaranteed half a year of food supply, clothing, and footwear for the children.

We have stepped up our effort during the intense "second wave" of India's Covid emergency. In June 2021 we began providing life-saving oxygen concentrators to communities where Covid has overwhelmed the healthcare system. In response to widespread disruption of normal distribution channels, ANEW works with on-the-ground partners to provide nonperishable food supplies in areas that face shortage and delivery of masks and sanitizer to tribal regions.